Showing posts with label vegan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vegan. Show all posts

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Please, Eat Wholesome Foods

"Diabetes is a chronic disease that has no cure."
-American Diabetes Association

*Warning, the above statement suffers from the following ailments:
Lack of acknowledgment of why so many people have Diabetes.

Eat whole foods. The proof you want is not in the pudding... it's in a plant-centric, unprocessed diet.

Here are some resources:

Please, explore the websites, ask questions, and improve your vitality :-)
Remember to talk with your doctor about monitoring your prescriptions, because making a huge change in your diet will change the way your body interacts with them - especially insulin.
If your doctor is not supportive of you changing your lifestyle, I recommend you find a new doctor to support you in the transition.

Make the change, or expect none.
This is written for every single person I know.
You know who to call if you need help.



To the ADA, FDA, and USDA:
Stop telling people what they are comfortable hearing, just because processed-food corporations lobby you to. Stop listening to the threats of the food industry.
Tell the people what they need to hear. Tell the people what heals them and keeps them healthy for their entire lives.
Re-create the Food Pyramid in terms of actuality, not corporate convenience.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Gluten-free Tofu-free Vegan Eggplant-Chanterelle Lasagne

Luckily, my housemate has an amazing camera that captures STEAM, of all things delightful.... :-) and so I was fortunate enough, in my lifetime, to be able to take this beautiful photo of my own culinary creation. Anyway, the recipe:

"I am filled with chanterelles," it said, truthfully, as my sister took her first bite of the tasty lasagne. I know what you're thinking. But she would not have cared if that lasagne began to speak Elvish to her; she was merely concerned with the taste, and it tasted heavenly. And Elvish.

In other news, there was an eggplant, a small squash of choice (honestly, I do not remember if I used acorn or not), broccoli romanesco (closer to cauliflower, in my opinion), and a parsnip. Use one package of gluten-free lasagne noodles (I used Tinkyada Pasta Joy Brown Rice noodles), one 7-ounce container of vegan pesto (try Rising Moon Organics), and anywhere between one and three cans/jars of the pasta sauce of your choice.

Here are the rules:
Bake your squash. I recommend chopping it in half, lengthwise, and baking the halves face-down in a glass pan with 1/4-inch of water to help steam the insides.. at 375 degrees F, for 30 minutes or more.
Boil the lasagne noodles according to directions, then make sure to SEPARATE them by laying them out individually in a single layer. Very important.
Mix pesto with red sauce in a bowl. Get yourself a casserole dish, lightly oil it on the bottom and sides, then spread a fresh coat your pasta sauce mix on the bottom. Not too thick, now.
Put a layer of noooooodles.
and your choice of veggies.
and sauce.
and noodles.
more veggies.
more sauce.
aaand noodles!
and then sauce.
Repeat until you run out of veggies (or approach the top of the casserole dish... don't you overflow it ;-) !
End with noodles, of course, and now for the "cheese" topping.

I mixed two tablespoons of hazelnut milk with one tablespoon nutritional yeast, forked it up. I personally added some Yumm! sauce, as well... which can only be found at Cafe Yumm in Eugene, Oregon. Anyway, top your top-noodles with your cheesiness and bow. Bow lower. There. Put it in the oven at 375 F without a cover for 15 minutes. Then put a cover on it and continue baking it for another 15 or 20 minutes. I recommend allowing it to cool for 10 minutes with the lid off before slicing into it, if you want any of it to stay together :-)

ENJOY YOUR LASAGNE! And spell it correctly ;)

Friday, October 31, 2008


First line of business: "Why be an Herbivore?" Here are some common reasons given:

Pescatarianism--> Anything with feet = equal. Fish = okay to eat

Vegetarianism--> Animal rights, suffrage, equality deserved. ALL animals = earthlings

Veganism--> Dairy production linked to veal industry. Also, we are the only species that, 1) consumes breast milk from a different species, and 2) consumes breast milk after infancy

Raw Foodism--> We are the only species that consumes cooked food (ever since we discovered Fire). Food grows to be consumed raw, and is most natural way to "eat to live."

Reasons to cut down on animal and animal by-products consumption:

1) ENVIRONMENT--> Raising animals for slaughter emits more CO2 and methane (even worse than CO2) than all trucks, cars, buses, and trains combined. Check out Peta2's "Meat's Not Green" campaign

2) HEALTH--> When one organism eats another, the eater only receives 10% of the energy in the eaten. That process goes on cyclically; when one eats meat, one only gets 10% of the energy in the meat... but keep in mind that the animal one eats had a meal not long before that, in which the animal ate grains or plants and received only 10% of the energy from that food. Why not cut out the middle man and just eat the grains or plants oneself?! One will receive more energy from that than from eating meat.
Also, many studies have shown that consuming red meat increases your chances of cardiovascular disease (yes, heart attacks), which is the number one killer in the U.S.
Rumor alert! It is NOT true that herbivores miss out on essential amino acids; eating a variety of vegetables actually covers each essential amino acid.
Most Americans eat at least double the amount of protein recommended for their bodies (and still think that they don't get enough!)... all you omnivores (meat-eaters): that excess protein is from those protein shakes and most importantly all that meat you eat! Cut down on the amount! Stop contributing to our obese society! I believe in you!

3) MORALITY/CIVIL RIGHTS--> Yes, all living creatures are equal to humans; humans are animals as well. If you believe in peace between different societies, how can you not believe in peace between different species? We all have at least one thing in common: we are alive! We all have feelings, and we're definitely ALL fearful of pain in all forms, including the dark abyss of ceasing to exist. Have you ever thought of it that way? It's okay if you haven't; that's what I'm here for :-) We are ALL here to live. What makes you think that you're so high and mighty to decide to take one's life in order for your own to prosper? Don't let greed and selfishness turn into ignorance...

Your turn:

Comment with your reactions, questions, stories, information, etc...